The Extensions of Remarks section of the Congressional Record published “IN RECOGNITION OF JAMES A. CONAHAN, GREATER WILKES-BARRE FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK MAN OF THE YEAR.....” on March 8.
On Sunday, March 27 after the 12:00 Noon Mass, we will conduct a training session for any school age child who has received their First Holy Communion who is interested in becoming an Altar Server.
There were 115 business licenses issued in Montgomery County in the week ending March 12, 2022 in Pennsylvania, according to the Pennsylvania Department of State.
There were 77 business licenses issued in Bucks County in the week ending March 12, 2022 in Pennsylvania, according to the Pennsylvania Department of State.
Perkasie tennis player Toby Frantz is ranked 3,631st in the junior Boys’ 18 category of the United States Tennis Association in the week ending March 5.
Perkasie tennis player Toby Frantz won 144 points playing singles tournaments in the junior Boys’ 18 category of the United States Tennis Association by the week ending March 5.