
Upper Bucks Today

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

DRAFT May 11 2022 Borough Council minutes


Borough of Riegelsville issued the following announcement on May 19.

President Thomas E. Stinnett called the regular meeting of the Riegelsville Borough Council to order at 7:00 pm May 11, 2022. If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.

The Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call: PRESENT: Thomas Stinnett, Ed Bartosiewicz, Gary Chase, Rodney Scott and Mayor Stokes. Others Present: Todd Myers, Borough Engineer.

Motion to approve April 13, 2022 Council Meeting minutes.  E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, G. Chase Seconded.   Unanimous.


Borough Secretary read the letter dated May 9, 2022 from Kate Brandes “notice of resignation”.

Council President reported that 2 items came in after the Agenda was posted so a vote would be needed to amend the agenda. E. Bartosiewicz motioned to amend the agenda to include two items. G. Chase Seconded, Unanimous.

**** Letter dated May 10, 2022 from Todd Myers-Borough Engineer “Lot Consolidation Dirk Odhner”.

     **** Borough received the traffic signal inspection and will schedule the maintenance. The maintenance of the traffic signal is budgeted in Highway aid.


President: T. Stinnett stated that he and Council are sorry to see Kate leave Council.

Mayor: Mayor Stokes reported that he went to Senator Mensch’s office in Red Hill PA to discuss the Senate Bill 552 would create a new process for RTK requesters.  Mayor Stokes reached out to Perkasie and they have the machine to clean the drain lines in 611. The fee is $250.00 an hour (3 hour minimum) with 2 men.  Rodney asked how many hours would we need? Mayor Stokes is working with M. Brady to gather all the information.

Report: Sherry Masteller appointed Open Records Officer (ORO) 

April 2022

8~RTK requests received from Mr. Robert Ryan.

1~RTK request received from Smart Procure.

6~ RTK final response within 5 business days.

3~ 30 day extensions.

1~ Denials.


The 2 Appeals from PA Office of open records, Ryan VS Riegelsville Borough OOR Docket No. AP 2022-0538

and Ryan VS Riegelsville Borough OOR Docket No. AP 2022-0539 from 3/1/ 2022, the final determination was received via email on April 27, 2022. Determination was granted in part and denied in part.

Open Records Officer Hours:  11 Hours/ Total $216.70 to process, gather documents and if needed forward requests to agencies of the Borough.  Solicitor fees:  April: $287.50 


COMMENTS OF CITIZENS:  Please state your name, you have 3 minutes to speak.

5-Borough residents.  Guests:  Chief Todd Myers-Riegelsville Fire Co. and Chief Bill Shick- Ottsville Fire Co. consolidation update.

Bob Ryan received the RTK requested conclusion letter dated March 29, 2022 from Borough Auditor, Zelenkofske Axelrod LLC- that was read during April Council meeting. Bob had Wendy read page 2 “Significant Risks Identified” –Management overrides of control, -Improper revenue recognition due to error or fraud. Bob asked Council to explain this. T. Stinnett stated the auditor designs the audit procedures to mitigate the risks, every clients accounting practices are different.  Bob Ryan will reach out to the Auditor.

Chief Todd Myers reported to Council that Springtown Fire Company would like to join the consolidation with Riegelsville and Ottsville. They continue to have discussions together with their consultant for guidance. Springtown Fire Co is in Springfield Township. If they join in there will be 7 municipalities.  Soon they will be dissolving Riegelsville Community #1 Fire Company and the new name will be “Palisades Regional Fire Rescue (PRFR)”.  The budget is the next item to work on and will be presented to Council in August. Todd asked Council to think of a Council member to be on the Municipal Fire Board in the near future. The New Bylaws have been voted on and approved.  Chief Bill Shick, Ottsville Fire Company Introduced himself to Council. Bill has been a fireman for 40 years. If Springtown joins we will cover 25% of land in Bucks County or 150 square miles.


Community Affairs: Kate Brandes called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm on April 20, 2022. If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.

Members Present: Kate Brandes, Ed Bartosiewicz, Gary Chase, Rodney Scott and Thomas Stinnett.

Others Present: Frank Preedy- Borough EMC, Jim Kopchak-Zoning officer, Mayor Stokes, Becky Finberg- Library Youth Service Coordinator and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.

2- Borough residents present.

Concerns from citizens: Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.

Bob Ryan asked if they are still putting the Right to Know (RTK) information on the Borough Website. G. Chase reported that they have not been put on the website yet, more discussion is needed.


Zoning: Jim Kopchak, Borough Zoning Officer reported to Council his April 2022 report.  Jim has a coworker, Randy helping to do 3 property maintenance violation letters.  R. Scott asked if the complaints were called in, Jim stated yes to the Borough office.

Permits: 2- Building permit: Chimney, Renewed Addition permit. 1-Zoning permits: Re-Roof.

Enforcement Activities:

129 Maplewood Road- Flood elevation certificate was received in December. Two sets of plans with the RFE and Floodplain ordinance data is needed for our floodplain manager to review, have not been received.  April 6, 2022 a non-traffic citation was filed.

808 Durham Road update: No new updates, the last was the property owner is corresponding with DCNR this issue due to the Canal and FEMA Floodplain.

601 Easton Rd, Wendy Breyer and Bob Ryan: All correspondence has been referred to Mr. Dudeck, the Borough Solicitor.  No further enforcement action will be taken by the Zoning Officer until the validity of the sign ordinance is resolved and the directive from our solicitor is received. Mr. Dudeck, Borough Solicitor is reviewing the current sign ordinance.

No scheduled ZHB meetings.

TNT Groundworks Well driller had a second issue with the drilling rig falling on top of the driller’s truck. Jim heard that there was a possible injury and he contacted OSHA office, they did do a site visit on April 13, 2022.  Jim also called Bucks County Conservation district to make them aware of the incident.

Jim stated that Rich, President of Keystone Municipal Services will be requesting authorization to purchase the 2018 ICC Code Books for the Borough. Sherry did not get a request yet, Council can vote during the April 13 Council meeting. Jim spoke to Riegelsville Fire department Battalion Chief Joel to get his opinion on the fuel spill to see if it was necessary to contact Pa DEP. Joel informed Jim that the Drilling Company expeditiously to clean up the fuel spill and removed the contaminated soils.

702 Durham Road, Brent Chavez received his first review for proposed office space from Todd Myers, Borough Engineer/Flood Plain Manager. Brent will meet with Riegelsville Planning Commission to go over parking places.

Borough Council approved the purchase of 2018 ICC Code Books for zoning office on April 13, 2022.

 Library News: Borough office received from Terri Randolph (Director) the March 2022 Directors report minutes and they have been filed.  Becky Finberg- Library Youth Service Coordinator reported the Book Sale is

Scheduled for April 22, 23 and 30th. The 2022 Summer Quest theme is “Oceans of Possibilities”. The Annual Egg Hunt had about 320 people counting children and families, was a huge success. Thank you to everyone that helped. Art in the library is back this year through a grant.

Fire Co. News: E. Bartosiewicz reported to Council they have had an increase in calls this month and working together with Ottsville on calls too.  The last “Fish Fry Friday Dinner” on April 15, was very well attended with 250 Patrons plus 25 Volunteers. Ottsville Fire Company are helping with this weekly fundraiser too.

Riegelsville Enhancement Committee:  Kate reported that on April 2, 2022 the Enhancement Committee had their first meeting of the year. Discussed the garden maintenance list and the volunteers that will take them on. Saturday April 23, 2022 they are having a work session. The next meeting is set for May 5, 2022 at 6:30 at the Borough Community Room.  Kate asked Council if it was okay for them to work around the Borough sign in the Borough Building parking lot and add some new plants and mulch. Rodney said yes to Kate leading that project and the purchases.

UBREMS (Upper Bucks Regional EMS) News: E. Bartosiewicz reported that they continue to be short on employees.

 Rec Board News:  R. Scott reported mowing has begun at the park.  We have 2 girl’s teams (T-Ball & 6/7/8 Softball) that will use the softball field as their home field. 13 U Boys Baseball and Men’s Team will be using the Baseball field as their home fields.  We have our estimate for the backstop on the Baseball field, we are looking over game schedules to have the work done.

Riegelsville Emergency Management:  F. Preedy reported that he went to the first well drilling roll over at the Murtha Farm on April 4, 2022. There was an antifreeze leak that that was cleaned up. The crane got there the next day to lift the drill rig.  The second Well driller issue was April 12 and the equipment fell on the company’s truck. The Well driller company called “Spill response 911”, since there was fuel that spilled. Battalion Chief, Joel was on the call from the Riegelsville Fire Company.   On April 6, Frank met with Brian Heath and Mark Pecora from DCNR to discuss the flooding and show pictures from 2006 flood.  They discussed the stop gate and the house on the canal. They will set up a meeting with Mayor Stokes to discuss the flooding soon.  April 8 & 9th due to the excessive rain the canal was high, north of Mueller’s the river was over the canal bank.  Tom reported that he attends the Canal Advisory meeting and met Brian Heath.

Riegelsville Planning Commission:  T. Stinnett reported they met on April 4, 2022 and discussed working on updating the Storm water Ordinance. Todd Myers, Borough engineer is attending the May 2, 2022 meeting to go over what should be changed or added to the current Storm water ordinance.

Meeting adjourned 7:36 pm.   Next meeting May 18, 2022 7pm

 Utilities:  Rodney Scott called the Utilities meeting to order at 7:36pm on April 20, 2022. If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.

Members Present:   Rodney Scott, Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Gary Chase, Tom Stinnett.

Others Present: Frank Preedy- Borough EMC, Mayor Stokes and Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary. 2- Borough residents present.

Concerns from Citizens:  Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.

No one spoke.


Office renovation: The floor, countertops, back door and lighting/electric are complete. The AC split will be scheduled next week. Project should be completed in 2 weeks.

The Outside Voting Box will be delivered on Friday.

Covid funds/Water project: Cowan came out & looked over the project and should have the plan and specs ready for the May 11 Council meeting.

Salt was finally delivered Tuesday April 19, 2022 was ordered on March 14, 2022.

Water leak in 6” main at 360 Delaware Road. 360 and 364 Delaware road where aware that their water service had to be shut off for a short time. W. Dowd replaced the pipe. The 2 properties where under a boil water advisory until the lab tested the water twice. T. Macaluso worked with John Scully, Borough water operator with Private Utility Enterprises.

 Misc.: Elmwood Lane/ Bidwell Road project: Cowan came out and looked over the project. The cost has increased 10%.  A survey will need to be completed. Bidwell Lane and Elmwood may need be total reconstructions. Approx. 7020 feet long.  May need a Penn DOT highway occupancy permit.  Council should have pricing information for May 11, 2022 Council meeting.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:48 pm   Next meeting May 18, 2022   7pm

Streets & Properties:  Ed Bartosiewicz called the Streets & Properties meeting to order at 7:00 pm on May 4, 2022.  If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting. 

Members Present: Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Gary Chase, Rodney Scott and Tom Stinnett.

Others Present: Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.

Comments from Citizens:   Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak.

1-Borough residents present.


Borough Office renovation update: Rodney reported that Tuesday May 3, 2022 was the field inspection and punch list meeting with Cowan-Borough Engineer and S&S Electric Services-Contractor. One of the ceiling light lens is cracked and will be replaced. Contractor will also bring plexi shield for the counter in front of the Treasurer. Decision was made by the Borough to leave half door hinges as is and replace later with single hinges if needed.  Hallway door window to remain as is and a blind will be added by Borough if needed per the ADA regulations.  Rodney and Ed one day next week will help get the office set up with the Borough employees.

Borough Building front porch/tenant stairs update: Ed reported that he has contacted 4 contractors and 2 contractors for the gutter issue and will continue to update Council.

Elmwood Ln/Bidwell Ln road project update. Cowan, Borough Engineer is putting together an updated estimate together and a timeline for the bid process by Council meeting on May 11, 2022.

Pedestrian Bridge board update: Ed reported he has the board and Rodney has the drill and special bolts so they will do it next week.

Trucks/Backhoe update: The Chevy dump is currently at Rville Auto with a power steering leak, the pump needs to be replaced and the 3 lines will be replaced, they are corroded. The parts are not in yet. The Utility truck needs a new running board, Rville Auto is pricing metal tubs running boards since they are more durable. The Ford Dump has a squeal/grinding noise on drivers side front so that will go to Rville Auto after the Chevy is repaired.  The hydraulic cylinder for clam shell bucket on backhoe needs to be repacked or replaced so that will go in after the Ford Dump is done.

Rodney and Gary are meeting Todd Myers, Borough Engineer at the Borough Small parking lot on Durham road on Thursday May 5, 2022 at 4:15pm. To see what needs to done to move forward with restoring the lot. Rodney will report back to Council. REMARKS: Rodney reported that they did meet Todd and he is going to investigate the past surveys and reach out to Mr. Cavallaro’s surveyor. We can get 12 spaces. They will investigate if there are any old in ground tanks. It will be good to get this project moving along.

Meeting adjourned 7:09 pm Next Streets/Properties meeting will be held on June 1, 2022 at 7:00 pm.

 Finance: Gary Chase called the Finance meeting to order on May 4, 2022 at 7:10 pm. If anyone makes inappropriate comments, tries to sell something, is attacking someone, etc. you will be removed from this meeting.  

Members Present:Gary Chase, Ed Bartosiewicz, Kate Brandes, Rodney Scott and Tom Stinnett

Others Present:  Sherry Masteller-Borough Secretary.

Comment from Citizens:   Please state your name, you have maximum 3 minutes to speak. 1 Borough resident present.


Gary and Tom attended the Bucks County TCC (Tax Collection Committee) quarterly meeting on April 28, 2022. The Keystone Collections Group representative reinforced that they aggressively got 11.7% of the delinquent tax payments into the municipalities.

Gary reported to Council that the “Septic Maintenance Ordinance” revisions are completed and Gary would like Council to look over this updated copy before the next Council meeting on May 11, 2022.  Gary went over some questions in reference to Act 537 of Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act amendments with Todd Myers, Borough Engineer, Todd was very knowledgeable to adjust this ordinance.

All the new office furniture has arrived. Council received Change order #1 from the S&S Electric Services consists of deducting sheetrock and alternate light fixture. Decrease of $3,700.00 from contract.  Council also received Pay application #1 from S & S Electric Services Total $10,699.02 certified by Cowan Associates, will be added to Council agenda May 11, 2022.

Gary reported that he continues gathering information for a standardized email platform for the Borough. Some suggestions are Microsoft 365 and Google. Gary, Kate and Tammy will discussing the pros and cons for each. Gary said that the Riegelsville Fire Co & Ottsville Fire Co. use Microsoft 365.

Brush mower was ordered, should be delivered May 5, 2022. REMARKS: The Brush mower was delivered on May 5, 2022 but still waiting on the maintenance kit to be delivered.

Gary reported that next they will be revising the Borough By-Laws. Gary would like Council to review the Library By-Laws, the Borough budgets a donation each year to the Library. This year 2022 is $4,200.00.

The Borough office has 2 unsigned Library By-Laws from 2012 and 2018. Kate said that she will ask the Board President, Ken Banko for a current signed copy for Council to look over.

Council looked over the financials and did not have any questions.

Meeting adjourned at 7:26 pm. Next Finance meeting will be held June 1, 2022 immediately following Streets/Properties.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: If anyone has any questions please comment prior to the vote.

G. Chase reported to Council that the changes/revisions to the current Septic Ordinance have been completed.

The draft is ready to go to Borough Solicitor to put together the legal ad. G. Chase motioned to approve the advertising of Ordinance #245, R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous

Todd Myers, Borough Engineer reported in his letter to Council that Dirk Odhner called with some questions regarding his 2 tax map parcels and a lot consolidation. Mr. Odhner would like to build an accessory garage on his empty parcel but by zoning the landowner is not allowed to construct an accessory use without a primary use being on said lot. Todd stated the simplest approach would be for Council to waiver section 2141 of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO) by vote since Mr. Odhner owns 2 contiguous parcels and can remove the lot line and build his accessory garage.   E. Bartosiewicz motioned to “Waive Section 2141 of the SALDO and get professional to prepare the required grading and erosion plan” G. Chase seconded.  Unanimous.   Dirk Odhner thanked Council for approving that change.

Approval to accept Kate Brandes letter of resignation from Borough Council. R. Scott motioned to approve, G. Chase seconded.  Unanimous

Approval for additional $204.98 to DR Field and Brush Mower Pro 26 & maintenance kit. R. Scott motioned to approve, G. Chase seconded.  Unanimous

Approval $633.99 to Lawco (Spare meter for Well #2). E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, R. Scott seconded.  Unanimous

Approval $4,080.00 to W. Dowd LLC Excavating (Delaware Road water leak) R. Scott motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewcz seconded.  Unanimous

Approval of change order #1 (Borough office renovations) recommendations from Cowan Associates $3,700.00 (will decrease the contract price $-3,700.00) S&S Electrical Services, Inc. G. Chase motioned to approve, E. Bartosiewcz seconded.  Unanimous

Approval of pay request #1 (Borough office renovations) recommendations from Cowan Associates $10,699.02 to S&S Electrical Services, Inc.  E. Bartosiewicz motioned to approve, G. Chase seconded.  Unanimous

T. Stinnett reported that Council just received the documents from Borough Engineer for the Edgewood Water Main and the Elmwood/Bidwell Road project that missed tonight’s agenda. Tom suggested to advertise a Special Council meeting on Wednesday May 18, after the Utilities meeting. R. Scott motioned to advertise the Special Council meeting on May 18, 2022, G. Chase seconded. Unanimous

Ann Moyer, Borough resident/ Enhancement Committee member reported to Council that she is helping the Enhancement Committee and put the plants behind the Borough building.

NEW BUSINESS:  Nothing to report.

 APPROVAL OF BILLS:   G. Chase motioned to approve bills.  E. Bartosiewicz seconded.  

Meeting adjourned 8:48 PM.

Next Council meeting June 8, 2022 at 7:00pm

 Tuesday May 17, 2022 Borough Offices closed “Primary Elections” and Monday May 30, 2022 “Memorial Day observed”.

 Sherry Masteller

Borough Secretary

Original source can be found here.



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